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Social Benefits: Disclosure of Cash Transfers to Individuals or Households

Proposed International Public Sector Accounting Standard and Consultation Paper
| Exposure Drafts and Consultation Papers
Comments due by:

Exposure Draft (ED) 34, Social Benefits: Disclosure of Cash Transfers to Individuals or Households, proposes disclosure requirements for amounts to be paid to beneficiaries as part of social benefits programs, as well as information about those programs. ED 34 also proposes requirements for determining the amounts to be disclosed. The IPSASB is also seeking comments on a consultation paper, Social Benefits: Issues in Recognition and Measurement, which sets out its strategy for developing approaches to address the issues involved in accounting for social benefits, including recognition and measurement. In addition, the IPSASB has undertaken a project on long-term fiscal sustainability reporting. The project brief is provided below, and the IPSASB welcomes commments on this document as well.

Copyright © 2025 The International Federation of Accountants (IFAC). All rights reserved.

00281 (PDF | 285.59 KB)

00290 (PDF | 182.89 KB)

00289 (PDF | 208.48 KB)

Submitted Comment Letters

  1.  ()
  2.  (United Kingdom)
  3.  ()
  4.  (New Zealand)
  5.  (Switzerland)
  6.  (Canada)
  7.  (Canada)
  8.  (United Kingdom)
  9.  ()
  10.  (France)
  11.  (United Kingdom)
  12.  (New Zealand)
  13.  (Australia)
  14. 12 - Ronald Points (220.61 KB)
  15.  (France)
  16.  (Japan)
  17.  ()
  18.  (United Kingdom)
  19.  ()
  20.  (South Africa)
  21.  (New Zealand)
  22.  (Germany)
  23.  (United States of America)
  24.  (Netherlands)
  25.  (Australia)
  26.  (United States of America)
  27.  (Canada)
  28.  ()
  29.  (Australia)
  30.  (United Kingdom)