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Exposure Draft (ED) 77, Measurement

| Exposure Drafts and Consultation Papers
Comments due by:

ED 77, Measurement proposes new guidance in a single standard which addresses how commonly used measurement bases are applied in practice. The ED brings in generic guidance on fair value for the first time, and it proposes a public sector specific current value measurement basis to respond to stakeholder views that a new measurement basis is required as an alternative to fair value for assets held for their operational capacity.

This ED is part of a suite of four EDs that address how to measure assets and liabilities in the public sector, and should be read in conjunction with:

Supporting Resources have been developed to support constituents respond to this suite of EDs.

Copyright © 2025 The International Federation of Accountants (IFAC). All rights reserved.

Submitted Comment Letters

  1.  (France)
  2.  ()
  3.  (Saudi Arabia)
  4.  (New Zealand)
  5.  (Switzerland)
  6. Accountancy Europe (150.55 KB)
  7. CNoCP (254.01 KB)
  8. Valuology (357.35 KB)
  9. NZ Treasury (12.62 MB)
     (New Zealand)
  10.  ()
  11.  ()
  12.  ()
  13.  (Germany)
  14.  (United Kingdom)
  15.  ()
  16.  (Malaysia)
  17.  (Japan)
  18.  (South Africa)
  19.  (Kenya)
  20.  (Zimbabwe)
  21.  (Malaysia)
  22. CPA Uganda (381.8 KB)
  23. FOCAL - Colombia (1.67 MB)
  24. FOCAL - Ecuador (1.67 MB)
  25.  ()
  26.  ()
  27. FOCAL - Peru (1.67 MB)
  28. FOCAL - Panama (1.67 MB)
  29.  ()
  30. FOCAL - Uruguay (1.67 MB)
  31. FOCAL - Mexico (1.67 MB)
  32.  (Canada)
  33. CIPFA (242.38 KB)
     (United Kingdom)
  34.  (Zimbabwe)
  35.  ()
  36.  (Nigeria)
  37.  (Brazil)
  38.  (Colombia)
  39.  ()
  40.  ()
  41. Ernst & Young GmbH (165.01 KB)
  42.  (India)
  43.  (Canada)
  44. Welch LLP (304.3 KB)
  45. KPMG (161.99 KB)