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IPSASB Consultation Paper on 2013-2014 Work Program

| Exposure Drafts and Consultation Papers
Comments due by:

This consultation focuses solely on the IPSASB’s work program for the period 2013-2014. It is designed to seek feedback on how the IPSASB should allocate its limited time and resources over this period in order to create a short-term work program that meets stakeholders’ needs.

Under the IPSASB’s current approved work program, there are a number of projects in progress as well as some that are approved but not yet commenced. As part of the IPSASB’s deliberations on work planning to date, the board has renewed its commitment to all projects in progress as well as to those that have been approved but not yet started

The input IPSASB receives will help develop that program for 2013-2014. IPSASB will then undertake a broader and more fundamental public consultation of its broad strategic direction in 2014.

Copyright © 2025 The International Federation of Accountants (IFAC). All rights reserved.

Submitted Comment Letters

  1.  (United States of America)
  2.  (Switzerland)
  3.  (Belgium)
  4. Cour des comptes (178.54 KB)
  5.  (New Zealand)
  6.  (United States of America)
  7.  (Belgium)
  8.  (Sweden)
  9.  (Australia)
  10.  (South Africa)
  11.  (United Kingdom)
  12.  (New Zealand)
  13.  (Canada)
  14. CNOCP (195.07 KB)
  15.  (Luxembourg)
  16.  (United Arab Emirates)
  17.  (Japan)
  18. Michael Parry (103.14 KB)
     (United Kingdom)
  19.  (Sweden)
  20.  (Argentina)
  21.  (United Kingdom)
  22. HoTARAC (1.74 MB)
  23.  (France)
  24.  (Kenya)
  25. ICAEW (59.08 KB)
     (United Kingdom)
  26.  (Zambia)
  27. Patrick Kabuya (13.71 KB)
     (United States of America)
  28.  (Australia)
  29. Ernst & Young GmbH (110.35 KB)
  30.  (Canada)
  31.  (Australia)
  32. CIPFA (153.23 KB)
     (United Kingdom)
  33.  (United Kingdom)
  34.  (United States of America)
  35.  (Brazil)
  36.  (United States of America)
  37. Tri Harta (17.83 KB)
  38.  (Belgium)