Exposure Draft 63, Social Benefits
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The International Public Sector Accounting Standards Board (IPSASB) has issued Exposure Draft 63, Social Benefits.
The Exposure Draft addresses accounting for the delivery of social benefits, such as retirement, unemployment, and disability, aiming to improve consistency, transparency, and reporting by public sector entities of social benefit schemes, which account for a large portion of government expenditure in most jurisdictions.
ED 63 defines social benefits and proposes requirements for the recognition and measurement of social benefit schemes. It also proposes disclosure requirements that provide additional information for users to evaluate the effect of social benefits on future government finances.
Copyright © 2025 The International Federation of Accountants (IFAC). All rights reserved.
Submitted Comment Letters
Association of Accounting Technicians (263.46 KB)(United Kingdom)
Swiss Public Sector Financial Reporting Advisory Comittee (92.2 KB)(Switzerland)
The Institute of Certified Public Accountants Ireland (598.02 KB)(Ireland)
Accounting Standards Board (260.23 KB)()
The Treasury New Zealand (437.62 KB)(New Zealand)
ICAS (159.94 KB)(United Kingdom)
Malaysian Institute of Accountants (1.85 MB)(Malaysia)
CPA Australia (155.04 KB)(Australia)
HoTARAC (457.37 KB)()
The Japanese Institute of Certified Public Accountants (279.77 KB)(Japan)
Federal Social Insurance Office (FSIO) (405.72 KB)(Switzerland)
Accountancy Europe (208.42 KB)()
NZASB (955.38 KB)()
Audit Zealand (206.33 KB)(New Zealand)
International Consortium on Government Financial Management (ICGFM) (260.34 KB)()
ICAEW (470.1 KB)(United Kingdom)
The Swedish National Financial Management Authority (49.26 KB)(Sweden)
International Actuarial Association (339.64 KB)()
Treasury Board of Canada Secretariat (238.99 KB)(Canada)
Asociación Interamericana de Contabilidad - AIC (344.12 KB)()
Australasian Council of Auditors-General (ACAG) (472.17 KB)()
Institut der Wirtschaftsprüfer e.V. (IDW) (150.08 KB)(Germany)
CIPFA (125.26 KB)()
Association of Chartered Certified Accountants (ACCA) (205.4 KB)()
Task force IRSPM A&A SIG, CIGAR Network, EGPA PSG XII (724.16 KB)()
PwC (115.31 KB)()
Korea Institute of Public Finance (107.47 KB)(Korea)
Association of National Accountants of Nigeria - ANAN (135.85 KB)(Nigeria)
Kalar Consulting Ltd (126.14 KB)(United Kingdom)
Chartered Accountants Australia and New Zealand (224.99 KB)()
Australian Accounting Standards Board (434.37 KB)()
Hungarian Actuarial Society (187.39 KB)(Hungary)
National Audit Office Malta (105.42 KB)()
U.S. Government Accountability Office (143.32 KB)()
Altaf Noor Ali Chartered Accountants Pakistan (327.64 KB)(Pakistan)
Ernst & Young (EY) (2.3 MB)()
CNOCP (208.72 KB)(France)
DGFiP (249.92 KB)(France)
Public Sector Accounting Board (PSAB) (116.76 KB)(Canada)
Moderniseringsstyrelsen (119.31 KB)(Denmark)