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Exposure Draft 59, Amendments to IPSAS 25, Employee Benefits

| Exposure Drafts and Consultation Papers
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The International Public Sector Accounting Standards Board® (IPSASB®) has released Exposure Draft 59, Amendments to IPSAS 25, Employee Benefits, as part of an effort to issue a revised IPSAS 25 to be converged with the underlying IAS 19, Employee Benefits.

The main amendments proposed in ED 59 improve IPSAS 25 in the recognition, presentation, and disclosure of defined benefit plans.

An At a Glance summary document provides an overview of the Exposure Draft and a marked-up version of IPSAS 25 reflects the proposed changes. 

Exposure Draft 59, Amendments to IPSAS 25, Employee Benefits
Marked IPSAS 25, Employee Benefits, as Amended by Exposure Draft 59
At a Glance: Exposure Draft 59, Amendments to IPSAS 25, Employee Benefits
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Submitted Comment Letters

  1.  (New Zealand)
  2.  (Canada)
  3.  (Belgium)
  4.  (France)
  5.  (Australia)
  6.  (Nigeria)
  7.  (Germany)
  8. CIPFA (207.96 KB)
  9.  (Japan)
  10. KPMG (94.4 KB)
     (South Africa)
  11. ICAEW (209.47 KB)
     (United Kingdom)
  12. ICPAK (187.04 KB)
  13. CPA Australia (87.61 KB)
  14.  (Sweden)
  15.  (Nigeria)
  16.  (Canada)
  17. ICGFM (178.64 KB)
  18.  ()
  19.  (New Zealand)
  20.  (Nigeria)
  21. ACCA (114.27 KB)
  22.  (Australia)
  23.  (France)
  24.  (South Africa)
  25.  (Switzerland)