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Conceptual Framework for General Purpose Financial Reporting by Public Sector Entities: Measurement of Assets and Liabilities in Financial Statements

Exposure Draft
| Exposure Drafts and Consultation Papers
Comments due by:

Conceptual Framework Exposure Draft (ED) 3, Measurement of Assets and Liabilities in Financial Statements, identifies the measurement concepts that should guide the IPSASB in the selection of measurement bases for International Public Sector Accounting Standards. The ED stresses the importance of selecting measurement bases that meet the objectives of financial reporting-decision making and accountability.

Many assets in the public sector are held for their operational capacity and, therefore, entry values that reflect the cost of purchase are likely to be adopted in many situations.

An At a Glance Publication provides an overview of Conceptual Framework Exposure Draft (ED) 3.

Copyright © 2025 The International Federation of Accountants (IFAC). All rights reserved.

Submitted Comment Letters

  1.  (United States of America)
  2.  (New Zealand)
  3.  (New Zealand)
  4.  (Nigeria)
  5.  (Switzerland)
  6.  (Australia)
  7.  (Canada)
  8.  (France)
  9.  (Belgium)
  10.  (South Africa)
  11.  (New Zealand)
  12.  (United Kingdom)
  13. KPMG IFRG Limited (166.59 KB)
     (United Kingdom)
  14.  (Australia)
  15.  (Belgium)
  16.  (Sweden)
  17.  (Kenya)
  18.  (Germany)
  19.  (United Kingdom)
  20.  (Zambia)
  21.  (Canada)
  22.  (Finland)
  23.  (Jamaica)
  24.  (Japan)
  25. Wales Audit Office (207.27 KB)
     (United Kingdom)
  26. Cour des comptes (129.21 KB)
  27.  (United States of America)
  28.  (Australia)
  29.  (Brazil)
  30.  (Canada)
  31.  (United Arab Emirates)
  32.  (France)
  33.  (Malaysia)
  34. European Commission (210.16 KB)
  35.  (Australia)
  36. Ernst & Young (104.25 KB)
     (United Kingdom)
  37. CAPE for UK FRC (117.15 KB)
     (United Kingdom)
  38.  (United States of America)
  39.  (Australia)