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Conceptual Framework for General Purpose Financial Reporting by Public Sector Entities: Elements and Recognition in Financial Statements

Phase 2: Consultation Paper
| Exposure Drafts and Consultation Papers
Comments due by:

The Conceptual Framework for General Purpose Financial Reporting by Public Sector Entities(the Conceptual Framework) will establish and make explicit the concepts that are to be applied in developing International Public Sector Accounting Standards (IPSASs) and other documents that provide guidance on information included in general purpose financial reports (GPFRs). The At a Glance publication summarizes the material in the Consultation Paper.

Copyright © 2025 The International Federation of Accountants (IFAC). All rights reserved.

Submitted Comment Letters

  1.  (United States of America)
  2.  (Australia)
  3.  (Switzerland)
  4.  (Germany)
  5.  (Malta)
  6.  (Canada)
  7.  (Pakistan)
  8.  (United Kingdom)
  9.  (Australia)
  10.  (Canada)
  11.  (Sweden)
  12.  (Argentina)
  13.  (United Kingdom)
  14.  (Australia)
  15.  (Japan)
  16.  (Canada)
  17.  (United Kingdom)
  18.  (South Africa)
  19. Cour des Comptes (1.28 MB)
  20.  (United States of America)
  21.  (Australia)
  22.  (New Zealand)
  23.  (Denmark)
  24.  (Australia)
  25.  (France)
  26. Wales Audit Office (591.26 KB)
     (United Kingdom)
  27.  (Germany)
  28.  (New Zealand)
  29.  (United States of America)
  30.  (Canada)
  31.  (Canada)
  32.  (United States of America)
  33.  (Canada)
  34.  (Brazil)
  35.  (Canada)
  36.  (United States of America)