Conceptual Framework for General Purpose Financial Reporting by Public Sector Entities
Phase 1: Exposure Draft
| Exposure Drafts and Consultation Papers
Comments due by:
The Conceptual Framework for General Purpose Financial Reporting by Public Sector Entities(the Conceptual Framework) will establish and make explicit the concepts that are to be applied in developing International Public Sector Accounting Standards (IPSASs) and other documents that provide guidance on information included in general purpose financial reports (GPFRs).
Copyright © 2025 The International Federation of Accountants (IFAC). All rights reserved.
IPSASB-ED Conceptual Framework Phase 1 (PDF | 271.43 KB)
Submitted Comment Letters
International Consortium of Government Financial Managers (49.06 KB)(United States of America)
New South Wales Treasury (558.62 KB)(Australia)
Swiss Public Sector Financial Reporting Advisory Committee (67.91 KB)(Switzerland)
International Monetary Fund (150.37 KB)(United States of America)
IDW (108.99 KB)(Germany)
University of Canterbury (955.3 KB)(New Zealand)
HoTARAC (5.2 MB)(Australia)
Ron Hodges, University of Sheffield (231.03 KB)(United Kingdom)
Ordre des comptables agrees du Quebec (22.4 KB)(Canada)
ICAP (49.72 KB)(Pakistan)
Aoyama Gakuin University, Kazutoshi Ishii (221.26 KB)(Japan)
KPMG IFRG Limited (219.66 KB)(United Kingdom)
Provincial Government of Newfoundland and Labrador (92.66 KB)(Canada)
ICAS (325.05 KB)(United Kingdom)
Association of Government Accountants (78.92 KB)(United States of America)
ACAG (170.97 KB)(Australia)
ICJCE (88.9 KB)(Spain)
National Financial Management Authority (110.64 KB)(Sweden)
Ministry of Finance Ontario (1.78 MB)(Canada)
FACPCE (108.22 KB)(Argentina)
ASB - UK (136.17 KB)(United Kingdom)
National Audit Office (26.11 KB)(Malta)
Australian Accounting Standards Board (370.66 KB)(Australia)
Denise Silva Ferreira Juvenal (0 bytes)(Brazil)
The Japanese Institute of Certified Public Accountants (0 bytes)(Japan)
New Zealand Institute of Chartered Accountants (342.37 KB)(New Zealand)
HM Treasury (1.47 MB)(United Kingdom)
United Nations Systems (801.3 KB)(United States of America)
The Treasury of New Zealand (2.71 MB)(New Zealand)
ACCA (299.52 KB)(United Kingdom)
PSAB (577.38 KB)(Canada)
Ministry of Finance Quebec (1.39 MB)(Canada)
CNOCP (545.79 KB)(France)
FEE (300.21 KB)(Belgium)
BC Ministry of Finance (472.81 KB)(Canada)
Direction Generale des Finances Publiques (450.54 KB)(France)
ASB (337.68 KB)(South Africa)
Auditor General (2.36 MB)(New Zealand)
ZICA (265.86 KB)(Zambia)
Danish Agency for Governmental Management (315.36 KB)(Denmark)
Government of Nova Scotia (1.02 MB)(Canada)
CIPFA (282.42 KB)(United Kingdom)
Cour des Comptes (1.22 MB)(France)
PSAB Board (417.4 KB)(Canada)
CPA Australia (681.3 KB)(Australia)
Auditor-General of South Africa (302.72 KB)(South Africa)
Government of Canada (2.71 MB)(Canada)
Wales Audit Office (332.5 KB)(United Kingdom)
University of London (251.12 KB)(United Kingdom)
Charity Commission (1.54 MB)(United Kingdom)