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Accounting for Revenue and Non-Exchange Expenses

Consultation Paper
| Exposure Drafts and Consultation Papers
Comments due by:

This Consultation Paper discusses two potential approaches for recognition of revenue for transactions that have performance obligations or stipulations:

  • The Exchange/Non-Exchange Approach – which maintains the principles within IPSAS 23, Revenue from Non-Exchange Transactions (Taxes and Transfers)but identifies five options for updating that Standard; and
  • The Public Sector Performance Obligation Approach for Revenue - where revenue is recognized when identified performance obligations have been met

It also discusses two potential approaches for recognition of non-exchange expenses:

  • The Extended Obligating Event Approach - relies on the IPSASB’s Conceptual Framework to determine when a resource provider has a liability and an expense; and
  • The Public Sector Performance Obligation Approach for Expenses – mirrors the equivalent revenue approach but adapted for non-exchange expenses.

The Consultation Paper also discusses:

  • Implementation issues regarding recognition of revenue from capital grants and services in-kind;
  • Initial and subsequent measurement of non-contractual receivables; and
  • Subsequent measurement of non-contractual payables.
Copyright © 2025 The International Federation of Accountants (IFAC). All rights reserved.

Submitted Comment Letters

  1.  (New Zealand)
  2. Susan Chisnall (631.9 KB)
     (New Zealand)
  3.  (New Zealand)
  4.  (New Zealand)
  5.  ()
  6.  ()
  7.  ()
  8.  (South Africa)
  9.  ()
  10.  ()
  11.  ()
  12. HoTARAC (709.98 KB)
  13.  (Switzerland)
  14.  ()
  15.  (Japan)
  16.  ()
  17.  (South Africa)
  18.  (Germany)
  19. CIPFA (259.7 KB)
     (United Kingdom)
  20.  ()
  21.  (Kenya)
  22. PwC (115.35 KB)
  23. ICAEW (245.31 KB)
     (United Kingdom)
  24.  (Nigeria)
  25.  (United Kingdom)
  26.  (Brazil)
  27. Audit New Zealand (153.31 KB)
     (New Zealand)
  28.  (India)
  29.  ()
  30.  ()
  31.  (France)
  32. EY (3.01 MB)
  33.  (Australia)
  34. European Commission (419.25 KB)
  35.  ()
  36.  (Canada)
  37. DGFiP (556.68 KB)
  38.  ()