Study 9 - Definition and Recognition of Revenues
This Study examines concepts, principles and issues related to the definitions and recognition of revenues in the general purpose financial statements of national governments and other non-business public sector entities. Specifically, this Study identifies and discusses the definition and classification of revenues, issues with certain types of revenue and the effect of different bases of accounting on the definition and recognition of revenues.
Information on revenues is important in assisting users to assess the financial condition and performance of governments. Comparing revenues with expenses helps users to assess interperiod equity (that is, whether current revenues are sufficient to cover the costs of programs and services provided in the current period).
This Study extends Study 1, Financial Reporting by National Governments, issued in March 1991, and Study 2, Elements of the Financial Statement of National Governments, issued in July 1993. It is also a companion to Study 5, Definition and Recognition of Assets, Study 6, Accounting for and Reporting Liabilities, and Study 10, Definition and Recognition of Expenses/Espenditures.
The primary focus of this Study is on the financial statements prepared for national governments and for the entities and units they establish for the delivery of goods and services and the achievement of government objectives. However, the matters it addresses may be equally applicable for other levels of governments (state, provincial and local governments).