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IPSASB "A Closer Look at:" Video Series

The IPSASB's "A Closer Look at:" series examines the challenges and benefits of governments adopting IPSAS and accrual accounting. In print and video interviews, each nation's expert describes the process and shares key details, timelines, and lessons learned.


Juan Zhang, IPSASB Member and Director, Accounting Regulatory Department, Ministry of Finance, China, discusses China's experience with IPSAS adoption and implementation.

Bob Dacey, IPSASB member; US Government Accountability Office Chief Accountant; and Federal Accounting Standards Advisory Board Member, discusses the United States' experience with accrual-based financial reporting.

Rod Monette, IPSASB member, Public Sector Accounting Board Chair, and former Comptroller General of Canada, discusses Canada's experience with IPSAS adoption and implementation. 


Takeo Fukiya, IPSASB Technical Advisor, discusses Japan's experience with IPSAS adoption and implementation.


Bernhard Schatz, IPSASB member and Deputy Head of the Budget Unit within Austria's Ministry of Finance, discusses Austria's experience with IPSAS adoption and implementation. 


Mike Blake, IPSASB member and former Auditor-General of Tasmania, discusses Australia's experience with IPSAS adoption and implementation.


Jeanine Poggiolini, Technical Director at South Africa's Accounting Standards Board (ASB) and former IPSASB member, discusses South Africa's experience with IPSAS adoption and implementation. 


Aracelly Méndez—IPSASB member and Chair of El Foro de Contadurías Gubernamentales de América Latina (FOCAL), or Forum of Government Accounting Offices of Latin America—discusses Panama's experience with IPSAS adoption and implementation.  


Ken Warren, CPFA, Chief Accounting Advisor, New Zealand Treasury, and former IPSASB member (2009-2014) discusses his nation’s experience with adopting and implementing International Public Sector Accounting Standards. 


Marc Wermuth, IPSASB Technical Advisor and Senior Accounting Policy Advisor at the Swiss Federal Finance Administration, discusses Switzerland’s experience with adopting and implementing International Public Sector Accounting Standards.  


Leonardo Silveira do Nascimento, IPSASB member, Head of the Department of Accounting Standards for the Brazilian Federation in the National Treasury at the Brazilian Ministry of Finance, and a member of the Advisory Group for the Brazilian Accounting Standards for the Public Sector at Conselho Federal de Contabilidade, discusses Brazil’s experience with adopting and implementing International Public Sector Accounting Standards


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