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Exposure Draft 72, Transfer Expenses

| Exposure Drafts and Consultation Papers
Comments due by:

The aim of Exposure Draft (ED) 72 is to develop a standard that provides recognition and measurement requirements applicable to providers of transfer expenses. This ED is part of a suite of three EDs that address how to account for revenue and transfer expenses, and should be read in conjunction with:

Please submit your comments by November 1, 2020.
Copyright © 2025 The International Federation of Accountants (IFAC). All rights reserved.

Submitted Comment Letters

  1.  (New Zealand)
  2.  (New Zealand)
  3.  (Portugal)
  4. Tiago Melo (587.11 KB)
  5.  (Switzerland)
  6. CNoCP (132.43 KB)
  7. Accountancy Europe (172.44 KB)
  8.  (Canada)
  9.  (Canada)
  10.  (New Zealand)
  11.  (Kenya)
  12.  ()
  13.  (Canada)
  14.  ()
  15. European Commission (683.16 KB)
  16.  (Ghana)
  17.  ()
  18. NSW Treasury (315.28 KB)
  19.  (Japan)
  20.  (South Africa)
  21.  (Korea)
  22.  ()
  23. CIPFA (258.78 KB)
     (United Kingdom)
  24.  ()
  25. ACCA (234.96 KB)
  26. KPMG LLP (88.57 KB)
  27. PwC (161.64 KB)
  28.  ()
  29.  ()
  30.  ()
  31.  ()
  32.  ()
  33.  ()
  34.  ()
  35.  ()
  36.  ()
  37.  ()
  38.  ()
  39. ICAEW (245.99 KB)
  40.  (Nigeria)
  41.  (Botswana)
  42.  (Brazil)
  43.  (Tanzania, United Republic of)
  44.  (Canada)
  45. EY (181.39 KB)
  46.  (United States of America)
  47.  (Australia)
  48.  (Canada)
  49.  ()
  50.  ()