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Exposure Draft 64, Leases

| Exposure Drafts and Consultation Papers
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The International Public Sector Accounting Standards Board (IPSASB) has issued Exposure Draft 64, Leases.

The Exposure Draft proposes a single right-of-use model for lease accounting that will replace the risks and rewards incidental to ownership model in IPSAS 13, Leases

For lessees, ED 64 proposes accounting requirements that are converged with IFRS 16, Leases issued by the International Accounting Standards Board. For lessors, ED 64 proposes a right-of-use model specifically designed for public sector financial reporting.

ED 64 also proposes new public sector specific accounting requirements for leases at below market terms (also known as "concessionary leases") for both lessors and lessees.

Copyright © 2025 The International Federation of Accountants (IFAC). All rights reserved.

Submitted Comment Letters

  1.  ()
  2.  (Ireland)
  3.  (Ghana)
  4. Auckland Council (5.04 MB)
  5.  ()
  6. CNOCP (167.52 KB)
  7.  (Switzerland)
  8.  ()
  9.  (United Kingdom)
  10. CPA Australia (246.48 KB)
  11.  (Japan)
  12.  (New Zealand)
  13.  (Kenya)
  14.  ()
  15.  (Canada)
  16. ACCA and CA ANZ (128.52 KB)
  17. The Treasury (2.22 MB)
     (New Zealand)
  18.  ()
  19.  (Korea)
  20.  (Germany)
  21.  (Nigeria)
  22. CIPFA (205.95 KB)
     (United Kingdom)
  23.  (India)
  24. PwC (467.37 KB)
  25.  (Tanzania, United Republic of)
  26.  (South Africa)
  27.  (New Zealand)
  28. ICAEW (314.4 KB)
     (United Kingdom)
  29.  ()
  30.  ()
  31. David Hardidge (518.12 KB)
  32.  ()
  33. European Commission (271.34 KB)
  34.  (Australia)
  35.  (United Kingdom)
  36.  (Canada)
  37.  (Canada)
  38.  (Brazil)
  39. DGFiP (344.27 KB)