The IPSASB has published Exposure Draft 73, Covid-19: Deferral of Effective Dates, which proposes to delay the effective dates of recently published Standards and Amendments to IPSAS by one year to January 1, 2023. Responding to the global COVID-19 pandemic and the challenges it has created, the purpose of this Exposure Draft is to provide stakeholders with additional implementation time.
The Standards and Amendments which are impacted include:
- IPSAS 41, Financial Instruments;
- IPSAS 42, Social Benefits;
- Long-term Interests in Associates and Joint Ventures (Amendments to IPSAS 36) and Prepayment Features with Negative Compensation (Amendments to IPSAS 41);
- Collective and Individual Services (Amendments to IPSAS 19); and
- Improvement to IPSAS, 2019.
The IPSASB welcomes comments on the Exposure Draft by August 15, 2020.